The Pros and Cons of Revenue Based Financing vs. Equipment Financing

Securing funding is a critical hurdle for businesses. As conventional bank loans can be challenging due to a lack of collateral or limited credit history, especially for quick small business funding. This is where alternative best small business loan options like revenue-based financing (RBF) and equipment financing (EF) come into play.

RBF offers funding based on a percentage of your future revenue, while EF provides loans or leases specifically for acquiring equipment, often through specialized equipment financing companies. But which option is right for your business? Hence, this blog will dive into the pros and cons of both RBF and EF, equipping you with the knowledge to make an informed decision that fuels your business growth.

Revenue-Based Financing (RBF)

Revenue-based financing (RBF) is an innovative solution for businesses seeking capital without sacrificing ownership. In simpler terms, it’s like getting an advance on your future earnings. 

Here’s how it works: an investor provides a lump sum of cash for a fixed percentage of your future gross revenue. This percentage is typically collected monthly until a pre-determined amount, usually a . Usuallyof the original investment (often ranging from 1.5x to 5x), is repaid. [1]

Pros of RBF

  • Flexibility: Payments fluctuate with your revenue, easing financial burdens during slow periods.
  • Ownership Retention: RBF doesn’t require giving up any ownership stake, unlike venture capital.
  • Accessibility: It’s easier to secure, making it suitable for startups with limited credit history.
  • Alignment of Interests: Investors are invested in your success, potentially offering valuable guidance.

Cons of RBF

  • Higher Costs: Flexible payments often come at a higher price compared to traditional loans.
  • Limited Amounts: Funding may fall short of what’s available through equipment loans.
  • Revenue Requirement: Best suited for businesses with steady revenue streams.
  • Reporting Requirements: Frequent financial reporting may add administrative burdens.

Equipment Financing (EF)

Another best small business loan, Equipment financing (EF), offers a targeted solution for businesses seeking to acquire essential equipment without a significant upfront capital investment. 

Imagine needing a new printing press to expand your business but lacking the cash to buy it outright. EF allows you to bridge that gap. There are two primary structures for equipment financing: loans and leases. [2]

  • Loans: An equipment loan requires the full cost of the equipment upfront. The loan is repaid with interest over a predetermined period, typically 2 to 7 years. Once the loan is fully repaid, you become the equipment owner.
  • Leases: With equipment leases, you essentially rent the equipment from the lender for a fixed term. Lease payments are typically lower than loan payments because you’re not paying off the entire cost of the equipment. However, at the end of the lease term, ownership may or may not transfer to you, depending on the specific agreement. Some leases offer a purchase option at the end, allowing you to acquire the equipment for a fair market value.

Pros of EF

  • Focus on Needs: Acquire specific equipment necessary for operations and growth.
  • Ownership Options: Choose between ownership upon full repayment or upgrading at the end of a lease.
  • Tax Advantages: Potential tax benefits through deductible interest payments and depreciation.
  • Improved Efficiency: Modern equipment can boost productivity and revenue.

Cons of EF

  • Debt Burden: Fixed monthly payments may strain cash flow, especially during slow periods.
  • Collateral Requirement: The financed equipment may serve as collateral, posing risks if payments aren’t met.
  • Limited Use of Funds: Funds can only be used for equipment, not other business needs.
  • Obsolescence Risk: Equipment may become outdated before the end of the financing term.

How to Find the Right Equipment Financing Companies

Securing the perfect equipment for your business is crucial, but the upfront cost can be a hurdle. Equipment financing companies can bridge that gap, but with so many options, choosing the right one takes research. Here’s how: [3]

  • Don’t settle for the first offer. Compare rates, terms, and eligibility requirements from multiple equipment financing companies.
  • Analyze your specific needs. Do you require a loan or a lease? What repayment terms best suit your cash flow?
  • Look for equipment financing companies with experience in your industry. They’ll understand your equipment needs and offer tailored solutions.
  • Research reviews and testimonials to gauge customer experiences with equipment financing companies.
  • Before signing any contracts, ensure the company clearly outlines all fees, interest rates, and potential penalties.

While equipment financing is valuable, your business might require a more flexible funding solution, especially if a large upfront equipment purchase isn’t the only challenge. FastFunds offers revenue-based financing, allowing you to access capital based on your future revenue stream. Additionally, with FastFunds, you can apply for a same day business line of credit, which provides quick access to funds when needed. This can free up cash flow for other areas of your business and avoid the burden of fixed monthly payments. 

Choosing Between Business Loan Quick Options

Deciding between RBF and EF hinges on several key factors specific to your business. Here’s a key pointer:

Feature Revenue-Based Financing (RBF) Equipment Financing (EF)
Focus Funding for general business growth Acquiring specific equipment
Repayment Percentage of future revenue Fixed monthly payments
Ownership Retains company ownership Loan: Ownership after full repayment; Lease: Optional ownership at end of term
Ideal for Businesses with predictable revenue & growth potential Businesses needing specific equipment & established cash flow

Consider these factors when making your choice:

  • Stage of Business: Startups with limited credit history may find RBF more accessible. Established businesses might prefer EF’s targeted approach.
  • Revenue Growth Trajectory: RBF shines for businesses with high growth potential, while EF is suitable for businesses with stable cash flow.
  • Funding Needs: RBF provides capital for broader needs, whereas EF is limited to equipment acquisition.
  • Risk Tolerance: RBF offers flexibility but can be more expensive for quick small business funding. EF has fixed costs but carries the risk of equipment becoming obsolete.

For business loan quick and flexible funding options, considering a same day business line of credit alongside RBF or EF could provide the immediate capital required to seize growth opportunities and manage cash flow effectively.


In conclusion, RBF offers flexibility and ownership retention, suitable for businesses with unpredictable revenue. In comparison, EF provides targeted solutions for acquiring equipment and enhancing productivity. Decision factors include business stage, revenue trajectory, and funding needs. Careful evaluation ensures alignment with goals and sustainable growth. Additionally, consider leveraging same day business lines of credit for immediate capital needs alongside equipment financing companies for long-term investment strategies.


What are equipment financing companies?

Equipment financing companies provide loans or leases specifically for purchasing business equipment.

What are the financing companies?

Financing companies offer various options for equipment purchases tailored to business needs and financial situations.

How much is equipment finance?

Equipment finance costs vary depending on equipment type, loan terms, and borrower qualifications.



